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maintained by our own high standard of quality.TOKYO MONTHLY 21 Concept

List of Monthly Apartments in Yotsuya-sanchome Station, Waseda StationSelect multiple Station

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4 buildings / 4 plan apartments were found
Palace Studio ShinanomachiPalace Studio Shinanomachi
    • Standard Studio
    • 22.4m²
    • From 5,100JPY/day From 153,000JPY/month

Palace Studio Ichigaya NakanochoPalace Studio Ichigaya Nakanocho
    • Standard Studio (Renovated)
    • 19.11〜20.8m²
    • From 5,000JPY/day From 150,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Palace Studio Ichigaya Nakanocho offers excellent access to any part of Tokyo and is only a 3-minute train ride from the major metropolitan terminal of Shinjuku. Nearby recreat...

Direction from Nearby Stations

Your Nearest station is Toei Shinjuku Line's (Akebonobashi Station), and if y...

City Atmosphere

While only being 3 km away from Shinjuku Station, (Palace Studio Ichigaya Na...

Access to Major Cities

You have access to up to 5 different train lines with the nearby train statio...

Staff Comments

Being in the center of Tokyo, the area around Palace Studio Ichigaya Nakanoch...

New building

Please fell free to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries.

Open:Mon through Sat 9:30-18:30
*Closed on Sun
