All properties of Tokyo Monthly 21 are
maintained by our own high standard of quality.TOKYO MONTHLY 21 Concept

List of Monthly Apartments in Waseda Station, Monorail Hamamatsu-cho StationSelect multiple Station

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2 buildings / 3 plan apartments were found
Concieria Hamamatsucho<TOKYO PREMIUM>Concieria Hamamatsucho<TOKYO PREMIUM>
    • Superior Studio A
    • 24.47m²
    • From 5,900JPY/day From 177,000JPY/month
    • Superior Studio B
    • 26.64m²
    • From 6,000JPY/day From 180,000JPY/month

Newly Built Property in March 2017 Outstanding Location! 3 minutes walk from Hamamatsucho Sta. JR Yamanote Line!

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Concieria Hamamatsucho built within 3 minutes by walk from "Hamamatsucho Sta." of major Tokyo transportation JR Yamanote Line. Shinkansen from Shinagawa Sta. ...

Direction from Nearby Stations

Coming out from The World Trade Center building of JR Hamamatsucho Sta, Deny'...

City Atmosphere

Nearby Hamamatsucho Sta. is surronded by many traditional tourist destination...

Access to Major Cities

With using JR Yamanote Line and Subway Oedo Line as major Tokyo transportatio...

Staff Comments

Concieria Hamamatsucho is the newly built property in March 2...

New building

Please fell free to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries.

Open:Mon through Sat 9:30-18:30
*Closed on Sun
