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List of Monthly Apartments in Tokyu Meguro Line, Toei Shinjuku LineSelect multiple Train Lines

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Tokyo Metro









13 buildings / 19 plan apartments were found
Palace Studio Kudan 〈Kitanomaru〉Palace Studio Kudan 〈Kitanomaru〉
    • Superior Studio
    • 26.8m²
    • From 5,600JPY/day From 168,000JPY/month
    • 1 Bedroom Superior B
    • 38m²
    • From 7,500JPY/day From 225,000JPY/month
    • 1 Bedroom Deluxe
    • 42.26m²
    • From 8,100JPY/day From 243,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Located in the center of Tokyo, the highly accessible Palace Studio Kudan is just a short walk away from three stations on six train lines. Unlike other monthly a...

Direction from Nearby Stations

Palace Studio Kudan is conveniently accessible from JR and Subwa...

City Atmosphere

Palace Studio Kudan is surrounded by Kitanomaru National Grden, ...

Access to Major Cities

Directly access to Shinjuku by taking JR Sobu Line, directly to Shibuya by Su...

Staff Comments

Palace Studio Kudan is located in the historic area filled with ...

Palace Studio KojimachiPalace Studio Kojimachi
    • Standard Studio (Renovated)
    • 22.63m²
    • From 5,000JPY/day From 150,000JPY/month
    • Superior Studio (Renovated)
    • 24.77m²
    • From 5,300JPY/day From 159,000JPY/month
    • Deluxe Studio (Renovated)
    • 28.07m²
    • From 5,800JPY/day From 174,000JPY/month

Premium Location to Hanzomon Station by 2 Minutes Walk

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Palace Studio Kojimachi is built in 2004, 13 story building on the ground, condominium apartment in Chiyoda-ku made of reinforced concrete. Hanzomon Sta. of Tokyo Metro Hanzomo...

Direction from Nearby Stations

Palace Studio Kojimachi is located in 2 minute walk from the nearest Hanzomon...

City Atmosphere

Palace Studio Kojimachi is the property located in a calm environment away fr...

Access to Major Cities

Convenient access to Shibuya, Jinbocho and Otemachi etc. with using nearby Su...

Staff Comments

Palace Studio Kojimachi is located in a premium location in the heart of Toky...

Palace Studio ShirokanedaiPalace Studio Shirokanedai
    • Superior Studio
    • 24.76m²
    • From 5,800JPY/day From 174,000JPY/month

Only 2 minutes away from Shirokanedai Station!!

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Palace Studio Shirokanedai is a 15-story building that is facing Meguro Street. If you exit form Shirokanedai Station and walk 2 minutes you can reach the apartment. The a...

Palace Studio SanbanchoPalace Studio Sanbancho
    • Standard Studio
    • 23.9m²
    • From 5,100JPY/day From 153,000JPY/month
    • Superior Studio A
    • 25.5m²
    • From 5,500JPY/day From 165,000JPY/month

★Free Internet/Wi-Fi

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Palace Studio Sanbancho is an apartment that is a6 minute walk from the Hanzoumon Lines Hanzoumon Station. The area around Sanbancho is known for the Imperial Palace bein...

Direction from Nearby Stations

From exiting the Hanzoumon Station you have not only convienence stores but a...

City Atmosphere

Withing walking distance of the apartment you have the Imperial Palace and a ...

Access to Major Cities

The JR Sobu Line from the nearb Ichigaya Station covers a wide area going tow...

Palace Studio Shinjuku ParksidePalace Studio Shinjuku Parkside
    • Standard Studio (Renovated)
    • 22.4〜22.68m²
    • From 4,700JPY/day From 141,000JPY/month
    • Superior Studio (Renovated)
    • 26.48〜27.91m²
    • From 5,200JPY/day From 156,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Palace Studio Shinjuku Parkside is our companys largest facility and the rooms come with a separate kitchen and one bedroom. in the. The apartment is located only a 1 minute ...

Direction from Nearby Stations

(Palace Studio Shinjuku Parkside) is a mere 1 minure walk from the Toei Oedo ...

City Atmosphere

This apartment is only two stations away from Shinjuku Station so you have gr...

Access to Major Cities

The nearby Toei Oedo Line travels in a circular motion so you have easy acces...

Staff Comments

(Palace Studio Shinjuku Parkside) has several different types of rooms rangin...

Palace Studio Kanda JinbochoPalace Studio Kanda Jinbocho
    • Standard Studio(Renovated)
    • 23.01m²
    • From 5,100JPY/day From 153,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Only 1 minute on foot from Jimbocho Station, the Palace Studio has access to three different train lines that offer maximum convenience for your fast-paced urban lifestyle. Loc...

Direction from Nearby Stations

1 minite walking distance to JinbochoSta. with 3 subway lines. Condominium ap...

City Atmosphere

The town well known as the world's largest streets of used book stores as wel...

Access to Major Cities

Directly access to the terminal Tokyo Sta. as a land transportation hub withi...

Staff Comments

After all, 1 minite walking distance to Jinbocho Sta. is attractive. Chidorig...

Palace Studio Sanbancho II Palace Studio Sanbancho II
    • Standard Studio F2
    • 23.54m²
    • From 5,100JPY/day From 153,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ The Palace Studio Sanbancho II is situated in a quiet district home to the majestic Imperial Palace. Residents can enjoy the spring cherry blossoms of Chidorigafuchi Park and t...

Direction from Nearby Stations

The nearest Ichigaya Sta. with 4 train lines including JR lines, conveniently...

City Atmosphere

A wide variety of features in the neighbourhood, mixture of quiet streets and...

Access to Major Cities

Within 10 minutes to the business district Nagatacho and Shinjuku as well as ...

Staff Comments

Located in the central Tokyo yet, Chidorigafuchi, Kitanomaru National Grden a...

Palace Studio Shinjuku WESTPalace Studio Shinjuku WEST
    • Standard Studio (Renovated)
    • 22.15m²
    • From 5,100JPY/day From 153,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Although located just 8 minutes on foot from the West Exit of the Shinjuku Station, the Palace Studio Shinjuku West provides easy access to both a vast extent of nature-rich re...

Direction from Nearby Stations

The closest station is Toei Oedo Line's (Shinjuku Nishiguchi Station) which i...

City Atmosphere

In front of Shinjuku Station there is a grand-scale department store, restura...

Access to Major Cities

Many train lines pass through Shinjuku Station such as the Yamanote Line, Chu...

Staff Comments

The mansions that allow for usage of the Shinjuku Station are only a select f...

Concieria Shinjuku North-OneConcieria Shinjuku North-One
    • Standard Studio
    • 20.88m²
    • From 5,100JPY/day From 153,000JPY/month

Based in the busiest terminal Station Shinjuku in Tokyo, Excellent access to lots of University Campus from the neighboring JR Sobu Okubo Sta., JR Shin Okubo Sta., and Seibu Shinjuku Sta.

★Free Wi-Fi Network★ 13 story building apartment "Concieria Shinjuku North-One". Simple and chic appearance as a first impression. It will attract you to enjoy the city view from the balcony. L...

Palace Studio Ichigaya NakanochoPalace Studio Ichigaya Nakanocho
    • Standard Studio (Renovated)
    • 19.11〜20.8m²
    • From 5,000JPY/day From 150,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Palace Studio Ichigaya Nakanocho offers excellent access to any part of Tokyo and is only a 3-minute train ride from the major metropolitan terminal of Shinjuku. Nearby recreat...

Direction from Nearby Stations

Your Nearest station is Toei Shinjuku Line's (Akebonobashi Station), and if y...

City Atmosphere

While only being 3 km away from Shinjuku Station, (Palace Studio Ichigaya Na...

Access to Major Cities

You have access to up to 5 different train lines with the nearby train statio...

Staff Comments

Being in the center of Tokyo, the area around Palace Studio Ichigaya Nakanoch...

Palace Studio IchigayaPalace Studio Ichigaya
    • Standard Studio
    • 21.21m²
    • From 5,000JPY/day From 150,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Palace Studio Ichigaya was Built in 2003 and comes with two gas stoves, separate shower/sink, bathroom ventilator, washing/dryer machine, washlet, and a refrigerator/freezer,...

Direction from Nearby Stations

Surrounding the mansion, you have convenience stores, dine-in restaurants, pa...

City Atmosphere

The Imperial Palace is close by, and the surrounding area is very refined and...

Access to Major Cities

Palace Studio Ichigaya is in the center of the Yamanote Line so you have easy...

Palace Studio Shibuya HonmachiPalace Studio Shibuya Honmachi
    • Standard Studio (Renovated)
    • 25.65〜25.67m²
    • From 4,700JPY/day From 141,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi★ Experience metropolitan life just minutes from Shibuya, Harajuku, and Shinjuku. The Palace Studio Shibuya Honmachi offers excellent access via the Toei Oedo Line subway, which conven...

New building

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Open:Mon through Sat 9:30-18:30
*Closed on Sun
