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maintained by our own high standard of quality.TOKYO MONTHLY 21 Concept

List of Monthly Apartments in 末広町 StationSelect multiple Station

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1 buildings / 1 plan apartments were found
Concieria OchanomizuConcieria Ochanomizu
    • Standard Studio
    • 21.6m²
    • From 5,200JPY/day From 156,000JPY/month

★Free Wi-Fi Access★ Concieria Ochanomizu is a fancy 11-story building that was constructed in 2008. The building has a TV monitor equipped auto-lock system which makes the apartment very safe. ...

Reviews from Customers Who Used Monthly Apartments around Suehiro-cho Station

  • Jan. 26, 2024 40's Female SightseeingConcieria Ochanomizu

    Location was close to places and the train station. It was ideal to stay as you had everything you needed there

New building

Please fell free to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries.

Open:Mon through Sat 9:30-18:30
*Closed on Sun
